Dates and DST issue

I have a problem with dates/times : dates that are after next DST change are not displayed correctly (I’m in France, dd/mm/yyyy format)
in Notion : date 08/04/2025 10:00 → 20:00
in NotionApps : 08/04/2025 08:00 → 18:00
thanks for your help Jatin

Hello Sylvain. I assume this is a formula. Unfortunately, Notion sends us the wrong dates when as part of the formulas. We are in touch with Notion’s team to fix this. I would suggest creating a temporary formula to display the adjusted result on NotionApps.

I think it’s inconvenient but our hands are tied.

Yes it’s a formula :frowning:
but only for formatting purposes.
because the date display in NotionApps when there is a start and end time is
“22 May 2025 12:00 AM → 22 May 2025 11:5…” which is

  • in english and not in the app language
  • too long for displaying in titles or in lists
  • not in 24-hour format

if there was a formatting option I could keep with a native date field instead of a formula
I would love DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm → hh:mm (same day)
or DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm → DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm (other day)

Hi Sylvain. We added a fix last month and the dates should show up in your locale.