Today, on “View One Item” screen, NotionApps only displays the first item of the database. However, with this change, you should be able to filter out which row in particular would you like to show on the “View One Item” page.
wowowo ! how did i miss that one ! that would be awesome !
This is really helpful. Will help solve a lot of use cases. Looking forward to this
@jatin_notionapps Right now, I have a Notion database where I record the Day by Day Menu. In the app the home screen essentially is supposed to show today’s menu. if I use View items and filtering, there first comes one element of today and then click to open and view today’s menu. Which is an extra click. To solve this I currently created another database with only one record where everyday i again put in my menu for the day and use view one item to directly show the record. The app is live, you can checkout the implementation at:
this is one on top of my head, there was one more I cant seem to recall rn. will add when i recall
This makes sense. Thank you for sharing. We will pick this feature up in the next couple of months.
This is awesome features! Really helpful in my current use-case, right now I am building 1 app per item as it needs to be open in a link per item. I’m not yet finished in creating the whole items.
Hopefully this will be launch the soonest, so that I won’t continue building my app 1-by-1.