Harmonising mobile & deskop view; + full fledged sidebar for desktop view

Hi team

I noticed:

  • mobile view: allows 5 screen options at the bottom bar, and the rest within the menu button dropdown
  • desktop view: allows 7 screen options at the top bar, and the rest within the menu button dropdown

If the intention is to be consistent in both interface experience, perhaps we can standardise 5 screens @ mobile bottom bar = 5 screens @ desktop top bar?

Otherwise the excess 2 screens in the desktop top bar, that were supposed to be in the mobile menu button dropdown, may appear weird to co-mingle with the ones that had been in the mobile view bottom bar - coming from the perspective where there’s different design intentions for deciding what is sticky visible and what’s not for user experience in the first place.

Mobile view:


Desktop view:

Imo, either be consistent in this manner OR allow separate configuration of mobile and desktop view would be better forward.


Not withstanding the above, for the desktop’s menu button dropdown, perhaps this can be converted into a sidebar? It’s counterintuitive interacting with a menu button dropdown in desktop view. I think having it shown as a full fledged sidebar (with the option to collapse/minimise) will greatly improve the user experience + utility value of the desktop view

An example: