I want to take information from an application & type it into a single database. The application information I use is: last name; first name; select parent/adult/child; select M/F; select child age; select pajama size; street address; city; state; zip; email address; cell phone number. Each individual would be one line in the database and there can be any number of people on a single application. This application is for our 501c3, blanketsofblessing.com, outreach to low income families held in December.
I need a way to connect all the members of a family to the 1 parent in the database.
From this database I want to be able to print out listings/reports: all members of a family together and do it for all families; girls by age grouping; boys by age grouping; girl by pajama size; boys by pajama size.
I am new to Notion and application development. When communicating with me think of a 4th grade student in the slow readers group. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated. Charles Noble, jcnoble@yahoo.com
Hello @Charlie! Welcome to the NotionApps community. The work you do is indeed a blessing. As for the database creation, you need to create a database block inside Notion with the properties/columns that you’d like to capture.
Then, you can create a new property of type “Relation”. When creating this property, link the database to itself. Let’s call this property “Parent”.
Now, you can link “Parent” to the member of the family by just clicking on any row’s Parent cell and choosing the corresponding family members.
When it comes to creating an app on NotionApps, you need to link the database to NotionApps and choose it when creating a new application.
After that, you can configure the Text, Image, Relation/List component, etc to display the relevant information corresponding to each row.
I hope this helps.