[In progress] Filtering & Sorting in List components

Currently, list components only support in-app filtering, unlike the list screens that support default filtering and default sorting. With this feature, the list components will also support the default filtering and sorting.

Being able to hard filter lists would be a total game changer for us. It would mean that the user would be able to select only the options that relate to the given list.

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Can you explain this use case a bit more, Samuel? This week, we are launching the normal filtering & sorting options in the list component. It seems like your use case is a bit different.

We have decided to expand the scope of this feature to incorporate dynamic filtering (based on the current page). The new timeline for releasing this feature is end of July.


This is so exciting! This will upgrade the functionality of our app exponentially. Thank you! :pray:t2:

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We will need another week or so of testing before releasing this feature. However, we are making sure it is powerful enough to solve most use cases.

Hi Jatin,
when do you plan to release this feature?

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By the end of August at the latest.

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if you need a beta tester i can help i have exactly that feature in some of my pages

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If I understand correctly the feature, I probably have the case as well. I’ll be happy the test the feature as well to check if that’s the case.

When do you plan to release this feature?

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We are trying hard to get it out by the end of this month.