[Live] List Filtering with properties from related databases

Today, our list filters are limited to properties from the current database and simple formulas. With this new feature, you can filter data of the current databases based on the properties of related databases.

For example, show all tasks in the list where the project is “in progress”.

The work on this feature has started.

This feature is now live.

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Hey there, how does this new feature work? Where do I find this option or further information about it? Thanks

Hey @none1000! Welcome to the community. When you select the Filtering logic on any list screen, you should be able to select a relation property and that will take you to the related database’s properties. You can read more about filtering and sorting here, https://docs.notionapps.com/customize-app/customize-a-screen/filtering-sorting-items.

Super, thanks a lot !!

Sounds like a very good feature! Well done :+1:

Would be great to have this implemented on the list records field along with sorting option.

Could you explain your use case a bit? We are picking up list component filtering and sorting in a couple of weeks. Knowing the details of your use case will help in the design of the feature.

For housing tenants, we have a list of tenants under property screen and we only want to show those that are active and not ones that are moved out and sorted in date or name order.

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Thank you for sharing the details. We are actively looking into building this out and it will be ready in a few weeks.