[Live] Update One Item screen

This feature would allow you to add “Update One Item” as a screen. This could be useful for use cases like “Edit User Profile”.

This feature would be really helpful.

We want to create a community portal where people see all the profiles and can edit your profile.

Is there any workaround where I can filter the visibility based on the email from the logged-in user?

The current solution is to create an “Update Items” screen and use data restriction so the user can only see their information (Data Restriction | Product Docs).

Hey Jatin,

I have tried it. When I add data restriction, the user cant see the list of items from the other users and I did not find anywhere I can add data restriction to a specific screen.

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The best way to do this right now is to create a separate profile update app where one can just update their profile. This is how @Julien has implemented it in his use cases too.

However, I would like to assure you that we are actively working on these features and over the next couple of months, the app builder will be a lot more powerful.


Sounds exiting! :+1:

@Rodrigo_Mendes If you want, I can show you how I’ve implemented that. Feel free to book a slot here: https://calendar.app.google/d9AyD8vffMBab63K9

Hey Julien,
Thanks for your availability.

Based on your idea, shared by Jatin, I could create a separate app focused only on update items.

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I understand that you’ve been able to do it. Perfect! :+1:


This feature is now live.

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