Rollup / Formula of Rollup Not Displayed

Hi Team

For context I have 3 databases e.g.:

Database A
A1) Value

Database B
B1) Rollup of Value from Database A
B2) Formula of (Rollup of Value from Database A)

Database C - I have 459 records
C1) Rollup of Formula from Database B (essentially B2)

I noticed in my screen (database C), not all entries displayed the data (empty) for C1 (majority yes, but some no)

I have checked my Notion and it’s being displayed properly.

Is this because of this limitation? Not quite sure what this means

Is this something new because I didn’t seem to encounter this issue before (I shifted my databases in Notion and databases got disconnected, had to relink them and rebuilding my screens and encountered this)

EDIT: Also tried to create a new app and linked my workspace’s databases, but still facing the same issue.

Have also tried to do a screen just for Database A and B, the data are working fine, which puts the question on Database C… is there some sort of data limitation for NotionApps? Since it has 459 records

I’m glad we could get on a call and find a workaround.